Friday, September 23, 2011

Why is the US Government competing with Toyota?

Besides Toyota offering a superior car to "the big 3" and charging the same price, they have already put out cars that reveal their dedication to the environment, fuel efficiency, and freedom from oil dependence.

I believe I also read they have even worked towards replacing the materials used within the cars to make them more health friendly. They provide Americans with tons of jobs, and tons of money, and an undoubtedly quality product.

Because of the bailout situation, Toyota is being screwed.

All I know is, don't pay for your car twice and buy Ford, boycott those traitors and support a company that played by the rules, and legitimately WON.|||Psh, even with the bailout, the Toyota is still going to be a better car. The big 3 won't suddenly figure out how to run a car company just because the feds told them to. They'll just keep limping along for another five years before they ask for the next bailout.|||People hold Toyota on a pedestal. They arn't that great, i'm sorry, but they are just not. I have seen tons of Toyotas and hondas come into our shop with serious problems. It happens with any car company. I'm not saying Toyota is bad, i'm just saying people try to look past their flaws alot more than they would a domestic.


My car, a G6 coupe got an ok review, they said that the styling was dated on the car and the world didn't need another wedge body style. 2 years later the New accord and Altima come out with a VERY similar body style and are praised for their inovative styling. Trust me, they all look the same. I have had less problems with my car than my friend with a Camery, or my other friend with a matrix. It's all about taking care of your car.|||I agree that companies like Toyota and Honda are still making a superior product to the American car companies, but the bailout is meant to help save American jobs and keep the economy from getting even worse. If the big 3 continue to have production cutbacks it will not only mean job loses at those companies, but at their suppliers and dealers. Making these companies financially healthy helps everyone. Even those of us who do not buy their products.

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