Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to i check the cigarette lighter fuse on a 1990 Toyota pickup?

I recently figured out that my cigarette lighter isn't working on my 90 Toyota pickup. I don't know if there is a fuse thats gone out or if its the whole entire lighter. I really need the lighter for cell phone chargers and other things.|||Just put the fuse from lighter in place of another fused system of equal amperage and see if that system still works. If it does fuse is good.

Another thing is that its possible, whether it was used or not, that the plug might be corroded or rusted. Especially if it was used. The extreme heat from the heating coil being shorted out can cause aot of corrosion.|||the best way is with a 12 volt test lite. there are little access tabs on either side of the fuse to touch the test light to and see if it has voltage. some fuses can have a barely visible hairline crack that is tough to see-but the test light never lies...if the fuse is good, carefully check the center pin on the lighter socket to see if it has voltage, but be careful not to short against the ground sides of the lighter or you will blow the fuse. lots of lighter sockets get gunked up from accumulated cigarette ash and may need to be cleaned(key off, again so it doesnt blow the fuse) Good luck T%26amp;T

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